Mastering Java I/O: Data Streams, Buffering, and Object Serialisation

Mastering Java I/O: Data Streams, Buffering, and Object Serialisation

Learning Objectives

  1. Data Types: Understand the different types of data types in Java, and be able to choose the most appropriate data type to solve a problem.

  2. Data Handling: Acquire skills to read, write, and manage data using DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, and PrintStream, focusing on handling primitive data and formatted output.

  3. Object I/O with Serialization: Understand the process and importance of serialization and deserialization for object I/O operations, and learn to implement these using Java's ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream.

Topics covered in this discussion

  1. DataInputStream & DataOutputStream:

    • Describe how to read primitive Java data types from an input stream using DataInputStream.
    • Explain how to write primitive data types to an output stream using DataOutputStream.
    • Provide examples of reading and writing data, mentioning the importance of ordering.
  2. BufferedInputStream & BufferedOutputStream:

    • Define buffering and its advantages in I/O operations.
    • Explain how BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream improve efficiency.
    • Give examples of reading and writing files with these buffered streams.
  3. PrintStream:

    • Discuss what PrintStream is and its convenience methods for printing representations of various data values.
    • Compare it with other output streams and illustrate when and how to use it.
  4. Serialisation and Deserialisation:

    • Define serialisation and deserialisation, explaining why they are important in Java.
    • Explain the Serializable interface and how to implement it.
    • Discuss ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream for serialisation and deserialisation.
    • Include notes on the transient keyword and its role in serialisation.

Understanding Data Types in Java

Java is like a big toolbox, and data types are the tools you use to build things. Imagine you're building a model car. You'll need different types of materials, like plastic for the body, metal for the axles, and rubber for the tires. In Java, data types are similar - they are the materials you use to build your programs.

Understanding Word Length and Data Types in Java

In Java, each data type has a specific word length, which is the amount of memory it occupies. Think of word length like the size of a box. Some boxes (or data types) are small, designed for tiny items (or small amounts of data), while others are big, holding much more.

  • Word Length: It refers to the number of bits used by a data type. For instance, an int in Java is typically 32 bits long, meaning it uses 32 bits of memory. Similarly, a char is 16 bits long, and so on. The more bits, the bigger the number or range of numbers that can be stored.
  • No Unsigned Data Types: In some languages, numbers can be "unsigned," meaning they are always positive, effectively doubling their maximum value. However, Java doesn't have unsigned primitive types (except for char, which is unsigned). This means each type, like int or byte, has both positive and negative values, with 0 being in the middle.

Primitive Data Types in Java

Primitive data types are the most basic types of data. They are the building blocks for data manipulation in Java. Just as you have basic building materials like bricks and cement in construction, in Java, you have:

  • int: For whole numbers, like 5, -3, or 42.
  • double: For fractional numbers, like 9.99 or -0.01.
  • char: For single characters, like 'A', 'b', or '3'.
  • boolean: For true/false values.

These are called "primitive" because they are not built out of other data types; they are the simplest form of data.

Evolution of Data Types

As people started building more complex programs, they needed more types of materials, just like how building more complex structures required more than just basic bricks and cement. This led to:

  • Non-Primitive Data Types (Objects and Arrays): These are like pre-made components you might buy for a model car, like the seats or the steering wheel. In Java, examples include Strings (a series of characters), Arrays (a collection of primitive data types), and more complex objects you define yourself with classes.

char, ASCII (Data Types and Character Sets) and Streams

  • char and ASCII: The char data type is specifically designed to hold characters, using 16 bits to accommodate Unicode characters, which include ASCII as a subset. ASCII is like an old alphabet of computers, assigning numbers to different characters (e.g., 65 for 'A'). When you're working with char in Java, you're essentially working with these numbers, even if you see characters like 'A' or '3'.
  • Streams and Data Types: When you use streams in Java, you're moving data from one place to another. The data type you choose affects how this data is handled. For example, byte streams (FileInputStream and FileOutputStream) work well with byte data type, moving data byte by byte, which is great for binary data like images or music files. They read or write data byte by byte, which is efficient for binary data like images or music files. When you choose a data type for your stream, you're deciding how it should handle the data, whether it's a character, an integer, or something else.

Relating Java Data Types

When thinking about Java data types, imagine them as a family tree where each type has its own place and relation to others based on how much data it can store and what kind of data it handles. Here's a family tree to illustrate these relationships:

In this tree:

  • Java Data Types: The main category, including all types of data Java can handle.
  • Primitive Data Types: The simplest types, directly representing values.
  • Non-Primitive Data Types: More complex types, representing groups of values or complex data.
  • Numeric: Numeric data types include both integral and floating-point numbers.
  • char: For single characters, storing text one letter at a time.
  • boolean: For true/false values, often used in control statements.
  • Integral: Whole numbers, both positive and negative.
  • Floating-Point: Numbers with fractional parts, for more precision.
  • Under Primitive structures: Specific types within each category, varying by size and precision.
  • Under Non-Primitive structures: Non-primitive structures, from simple arrays to more complex classes and interfaces, including strings for text manipulation.

Table of Java Data Types, Sizes, and Ranges

This table details the primitive data types in Java, their size in bytes, and their range of values:

Data Type Size (Bytes) Range
byte 1 -128 to 127
short 2 -32,768 to 32,767
int 4 -231 to 231-1
long 8 -263 to 263-1
float 4 approximately ±3.40282347E+38F*
double 8 approximately ±1.79769313486231570E+308
char 2 0 to 65,535 (unsigned)
boolean not precisely defined true or false

*By default, JAVA takes all numbers with a fractional part as datatype double. To make a value as a float, the number is suffixed with 'F' or 'f'. 

Remember, each data type serves a specific purpose. Choose wisely based on what you need to store or handle. For instance, use int for whole numbers, double for precise measurements, and char for characters. This careful selection ensures your program is efficient and works as expected, just like picking the correct size box for what you need to store.

When the computers had limited storage, using resources like RAM, storage, and CPU was very important. Today, for most of the example problems, you will be fine. When the degree of complexity increases, your solutions will benefit from appropriately choosing the datatypes.

Typecasting in Programming

Typecasting is the process of converting a variable from one data type to another. It is a common operation in programming, allowing for flexibility in handling different types of data. There are two kinds of typecasting:

  • Implicit Typecasting: Also known as automatic type conversion, this is handled by the compiler when the conversion is safe and obvious. For example, converting an int to a double. No data is lost in this kind of typecasting.
  • Explicit Typecasting: This is done manually by the programmer when converting a larger type to a smaller type or when the conversion is not obvious to the compiler. This can lead to data loss.

Java Example of Typecasting

public class TypeCastingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Implicit typecasting
        int myInt = 9;
        double myDouble = myInt;  // Automatic casting: int to double

        // Explicit typecasting
        double anotherDouble = 9.78;
        int anotherInt = (int) anotherDouble;  // Manual casting: double to int

        System.out.println("myInt: " + myInt);
        System.out.println("myDouble (from int): " + myDouble);
        System.out.println("anotherDouble: " + anotherDouble);
        System.out.println("anotherInt (from double): " + anotherInt);

Java Typecasting Syntax

Explicit typecasting in Java is done using the following syntax:

TargetType variable = (TargetType) sourceVariable;

Typecasting Table in Java

Source Type Target Type Type of Casting Description
byte short, int, long, float, double Widening Converting a smaller type to a larger type
short int, long, float, double Widening Converting a smaller type to a larger type
char int, long, float, double Widening Converting a character to a numerical type
int long, float, double Widening Converting a smaller type to a larger type
long float, double Widening Converting a smaller type to a larger type
float double Widening Converting a smaller type to a larger type
double float, long, int, char, short, byte Narrowing Converting a larger type to a smaller type, potential data loss
long int, char, short, byte Narrowing Converting a larger type to a smaller type, potential data loss
int char, short, byte Narrowing Converting a larger type to a smaller type, potential data loss
char short, byte Narrowing Converting a character to a smaller numerical type
short byte Narrowing Converting a larger type to a smaller type, potential data loss

Widening and Narrowing Conversion

  • Widening Conversion: This is when a smaller data type is converted into a larger data type (e.g., int to double). This is generally safe and does not lead to data loss.
  • Narrowing Conversion: This occurs when a larger data type is converted into a smaller data type (e.g., double to int). This can lead to data loss or truncation.

How to Select Data Types

Choosing the right data type is like choosing the right material or component for the job:

  1. Know the Range: If you're counting people, you won't need a negative number, so an int might be a good choice. But if you're measuring the length of something very precise, you might need a double.
  2. Consider Space: Just as you wouldn't use a large box to store a small item, you shouldn't use a larger data type than you need. For example, use int instead of long if the numbers aren't too big.
  3. Think of the Future: Just like planning for extra seats in a car, think about how your data might change. Will you count whole numbers only, or might you need fractions later?

Here are a couple of programs which will demonstrate these concepts.

Programs to demonstrate the Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types

When string data is expected to be input or output, by convention, the string to be received by the program or output by the program is enclosed in " " (double quotes).

Program 1: Demonstrating Primitive Data Types

Problem Statement

Create a Java program, PrimitiveDataTypesExample, that demonstrates the use of primitive data types in Java. The program should:

  1. Accept an integer, a double, a char, and a boolean as input.
  2. Perform a simple operation on each input:
    • Increment the integer.
    • Halve the double.
    • Convert the char to uppercase.
    • Negate the boolean.
  3. Output the results of these operations.

Input and Output Format

  • Input: 5, 10.5, a, true
  • Output: 6, 5.25, A, false


Java Program

import java.util.Scanner;

 * Demonstrates the use of primitive data types in Java.
public class PrimitiveDataTypesExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
        int num = scanner.nextInt();

        System.out.print("Enter a double: ");
        double decimal = scanner.nextDouble();

        System.out.print("Enter a char: ");
        char character =;

        System.out.print("Enter a boolean: ");
        boolean bool = scanner.nextBoolean();

        // Processing
        decimal /= 2;
        character = Character.toUpperCase(character);
        bool = !bool;

        // Output
        System.out.println("Processed Integer: " + num);
        System.out.println("Processed Double: " + decimal);
        System.out.println("Processed Char: " + character);
        System.out.println("Processed Boolean: " + bool);


The PrimitiveDataTypesExample program demonstrates Java's primitive data types by accepting user input for an integer, double, character, and boolean. It then performs simple operations on each: incrementing the integer, halving the double, converting the character to uppercase, and negating the boolean. This illustrates fundamental operations on data types commonly used in Java programs, reflecting the binary and character data manipulation with streams and character sets as discussed earlier. The program also practices good coding standards with JavaDoc documentation and proper naming conventions, emphasizing the importance of clean, readable code.

Program 2: Demonstrating Non-Primitive Data Types (String and Array)

Problem Statement

Create a Java program, NonPrimitiveDataTypesExample, that demonstrates the use of non-primitive data types in Java. The program should:

  1. Accept a string and an array of integers as input.
  2. Perform simple operations:
    • Convert the string to uppercase.
    • Calculate the sum of the integers in the array.
  3. Output the modified string and the sum.

Input and Output Format

  • Input: "hello", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Output: "HELLO", 15


Java Program

import java.util.Scanner;

 * Demonstrates the use of non-primitive data types in Java.
public class NonPrimitiveDataTypesExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
        String text = scanner.nextLine();

        System.out.print("Enter the number of elements in the array: ");
        int n = scanner.nextInt();
        int[] array = new int[n];
        System.out.println("Enter the elements of the array:");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            array[i] = scanner.nextInt();

        // Processing
        text = text.toUpperCase();
        int sum = 0;
        for (int num : array) {
            sum += num;

        // Output
        System.out.println("Processed String: " + text);
        System.out.println("Sum of Array Elements: " + sum);


To understand the programs better, a beginner should appreciate the distinction between primitive and non-primitive data types in Java. The PrimitiveDataTypesExample demonstrates simple arithmetic and logical operations on basic types, which are the building blocks of Java programming. The NonPrimitiveDataTypesExample showcases handling Strings and Arrays, which are more complex data structures. It illustrates the manipulation of collections of data and text, demonstrating Java's capabilities in handling and processing diverse types of information. Both programs emphasise the practical application of these data types in real-world scenarios.

The NonPrimitiveDataTypesExample showcases non-primitive data types, specifically Strings and Arrays. It asks the user for a string and a series of integers, converting the string to uppercase and calculating the sum of the integers. This program emphasises the manipulation and interaction of more complex data types, demonstrating how Java handles sequences of data (arrays) and text data (strings). Like the primitive example, it ties back to the notion of handling various data forms in Java, necessary for file I/O operations and understanding how high-level data structures interact with the lower-level binary stream operations.

These programs illustrate the distinction between primitive and non-primitive data types in Java, demonstrating their unique characteristics and uses. Note the basic documentation that is being introduced.

The two programs, PrimitiveDataTypesExample and NonPrimitiveDataTypesExample, illustrate the use of Java's primitive and non-primitive data types, respectively. The first program manipulates and demonstrates operations on basic types (int, double, char, boolean) by performing simple arithmetic and logical operations, which are foundational in Java programming. The second program focuses on non-primitive data types like Strings and Arrays, showcasing string manipulation and array processing operations. Both programs tie into the earlier discussion on Java I/O streams and file operations by demonstrating the kinds of data these streams might read or write, emphasising the importance of understanding data types in data handling and Java's type system.


Data Streams in Java

In Java, data streams like DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are specialized I/O streams that allow for reading and writing of primitive data types (int, float, long, double, etc.) and string values in a machine-independent way. They are part of Java's I/O package and provide a convenient and efficient way to handle data serialization — converting the state of an object into a byte stream, and deserialization — rebuilding those bytes back into a live object or data structure.

The Importance of Data Streams in Java

  1. Machine Independence: Data streams ensure that the data you write on one machine can be read on another machine, regardless of the hardware or the operating system. This is crucial for network communications and data persistence, ensuring that the data maintains its integrity and structure across different environments.
  2. Type Safety and Integrity: When working with DataInputStream and DataOutputStream, you're working with explicit methods for each data type (e.g., readInt(), writeFloat()). This ensures that you're always aware of the type of data you're handling, reducing the chances of data corruption or type mismatches.
  3. Simplicity and Readability: These streams abstract the complexity of byte handling. You don't need to worry about byte order or converting primitives to byte arrays and back; the stream handles it all, allowing you to focus on the logic of your application.

When comparing Java's data streams to similar constructs in languages like C/C++ and Python, a few key differences emerge:

Java vs C/C++

  • C/C++: In C/C++, handling data streams often involves more manual control and understanding of the system's architecture. For example, when dealing with file I/O, you have to manage buffers, understand pointers, and ensure you're handling the data's byte order (endianness) correctly. This can provide more control and efficiency but at the cost of complexity and higher chances of error.
  • Advantages in Java: Java abstracts much of this complexity away. The machine-independent nature of Java means you don't usually need to worry about byte order or system architecture differences. The methods provided by DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are high-level and less prone to the subtle bugs that can arise in C/C++ from pointer arithmetic or buffer overflows.

Java vs Python

  • Python: Python's approach to data handling is typically more abstracted than C/C++ and somewhat similar to Java in terms of ease. Python has various modules like pickle for object serialization, which provides a high-level interface for data streaming. However, Python's dynamic typing means that you don't always explicitly know what type of data you're reading or writing, which can sometimes lead to unexpected errors or behaviours.
  • Advantages in Java: Java's strict type system and the explicit nature of DataInputStream and DataOutputStream methods can lead to more predictable and stable code. Java's performance might also be better in scenarios involving heavy I/O operations, thanks to its compiled nature and optimization over Python's typically interpreted execution.

The Advantage Data Streams Bring to Java

Data streams bring a level of standardisation and predictability to Java applications, particularly important in enterprise environments or applications where data integrity and consistency are critical. They provide a balance between the low-level control seen in languages like C/C++ and the high-level abstraction in Python, offering a robust, efficient, and relatively easy-to-use method for data handling.

Moreover, in network communications and data storage, where different systems need to exchange and store data reliably, Java's data streams ensure that the data's format and integrity are maintained, irrespective of the platform. This universal behaviour makes Java a preferred language for many networked applications and services.

Data streams are an essential part of Java's I/O system, providing the tools necessary for safe, efficient, and predictable data handling. Whether it's for file storage, network communication, or internal data management, DataInputStream and DataOutputStream offer a standardized way to work with data that leverages Java's platform-independent nature and strong type system. While other languages offer their own methods and libraries for data handling, Java's approach offers a balance that makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from small-scale tools to large-scale distributed systems.

Let us see a real world example before diving deeper into the what and how to use of datastreams. Any application that we create will benefit from datastreams. This can be input from your IoT edge device or a router connecting your application with your corporate data server.

Application of Data Streams in Real Life: Video Streaming Service

In the realm of digital entertainment, video streaming services like Netflix or YouTube have become a part of daily life. These services rely heavily on data streams to deliver video content from servers to users' devices efficiently and in high quality. The application of data streams in a video streaming service is a complex orchestration of data transmission, buffering, and rendering.

Scenario Description

Consider a user wanting to watch a movie on a streaming service. The movie is stored on the service's servers in a compressed format. As the user hits play, the application on their device requests the video data, which is then streamed in chunks to the user's device. Here's how data streams come into play:

  1. Requesting Video: The user's application sends a request to the server to start streaming a particular movie. This request includes information about the user's device and network speed to determine the best video quality to send.
  2. Streaming Video Data: The server responds by opening a data stream, often using a DataOutputStream wrapped with additional layers for compression and encryption. The video is sent in small chunks, allowing for continuous playback even as the rest of the video is being transmitted.
  3. Buffering and Playback: The user's device receives the video data in a DataInputStream, buffering it to account for network variability. The buffered video data is then decoded and rendered for the user to watch. The application continues to buffer and play the video, adjusting the quality if necessary to ensure smooth playback.

Sequence Diagram for Video Streaming

Below is a sequence diagram to illustrate the flow of data in a video streaming scenario:

In this diagram:

  • User: Chooses a video and initiates playback.
  • User's Application: The platform through which the user interacts, such as a web browser or a dedicated app on a TV or mobile device.
  • DataOutputStream (Server): Used by the server to send compressed and possibly encrypted video data.
  • DataInputStream (User's App): Used by the user's application to receive and buffer video data.
  • Streaming Server: Hosts the video content and handles requests, streaming data to users.

Real-Life Implications

In a video streaming scenario, data streams are fundamental for:

  • Continuous Playback: Data streams allow for the video to be sent and received in small chunks, enabling continuous playback as the rest of the data loads. This is crucial for a smooth user experience, especially when network speeds are variable.
  • Quality Adjustment: Streaming services often adjust video quality in real-time based on the user's network speed to prevent buffering. Data streams facilitate this by allowing the server to change the data rate or video quality on the fly.
  • Scalability: The efficient nature of data streams enables streaming services to cater to millions of users simultaneously, delivering vast amounts of video data across the globe.

Data streams, in the context of video streaming services, exemplify the vital role they play in modern digital entertainment, ensuring that users can enjoy their favourite shows and movies seamlessly, anytime and anywhere. They are the backbone of delivering multimedia content in an efficient, dynamic, and user-friendly manner.

To demonstrate the use of Java's Data Streams, Buffered Streams, and Object Serialization in a real-world scenario

Here are two example programs. These programs will showcase how these streams can be utilised for efficient data handling and object I/O operations.

Program 3: Using DataInputStream and DataOutputStream

Problem Statement

Create a program DataStreamsExample that uses DataInputStream and DataOutputStream to read and write primitive data types and strings. The program should:

  1. Write an integer, a double, and a string to a file using DataOutputStream.
  2. Read these values back from the file using DataInputStream.
  3. Display the read values to the console.


  • Write Operation:
    • Open DataOutputStream on a file.
    • Write an integer, a double, and a string.
    • Close the stream.
  • Read Operation:
    • Open DataInputStream on the same file.
    • Read an integer, a double, and a string.
    • Close the stream.
    • Display the read values.

Java Program


public class DataStreamsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String filename = "datastream.txt";

        // Writing data to file
        try (DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {
            dos.writeUTF("Hello World");

        // Reading data from file
        try (DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))) {
            int intValue = dis.readInt();
            double doubleValue = dis.readDouble();
            String stringValue = dis.readUTF();

            System.out.println("Integer: " + intValue);
            System.out.println("Double: " + doubleValue);
            System.out.println("String: " + stringValue);

When using a DataOutputStream in Java, the methods writeInt() and writeDouble() write data in a binary format, while writeUTF() writes strings in a modified UTF-8 format. The differences in how these methods store data in a file lead to the observed output.

Binary Format for Integers and Doubles: The methods writeInt() and writeDouble() write integers and doubles in a binary format that is not human-readable. This format is efficient for storing numerical data compactly and is independent of any character encoding. When an integer or a double is written using these methods, it is converted into a sequence of bytes representing the binary value of the number. For example, the integer 123 is converted into a fixed-length binary representation of 4 bytes (32 bits), and the double 45.67 is converted into an 8-byte (64-bit) binary representation, following the IEEE 754 floating-point standard.

Modified UTF-8 Format for Strings: The method writeUTF(), on the other hand, writes strings in a modified UTF-8 format. This format is designed to be more human-readable, making it suitable for storing text. UTF-8 is a character encoding that represents each character in the string as one or more bytes. When "Hello World" is written to the file using writeUTF(), it is stored as a sequence of bytes corresponding to the UTF-8 encoding of each character in the string, along with additional information such as the length of the string. This is why when the file is opened in a text editor, "Hello World" appears as clear text, while the binary representations of the integer and double appear as special or unreadable symbols.

This ER diagram represents the relationships between DataOutputStream, DataInputStream, the formats in which they operate (BinaryFormat and UTF8Format), and the FilePointer mechanism.

  • DataOutputStream and DataInputStream are entities that represent the classes in Java for writing and reading data to and from a binary file.
  • BinaryFormat and UTF8Format represent the two different formats in which data is stored. BinaryFormat is used for writeInt() and writeDouble(), while UTF8Format is used for writeUTF().
  • The FilePointer entity represents the current position within the file being read or written.

The relationships show that DataOutputStream and DataInputStream use both the BinaryFormat and UTF8Format for their operations, and they both interact with the FilePointer to move its position within the file.

The diagram visually explains how DataOutputStream writes data in different formats and how DataInputStream reads and interprets this data, with the FilePointer playing a crucial role in navigating through the file.

Understanding the Relationship Dynamics:

  • The relationship between DataOutputStream and BinaryFormat is one-to-many. This means that one instance of DataOutputStream can write data in multiple binary formats, reflecting the flexibility of this stream in handling different numerical data types.
  • In contrast, the relationship between DataOutputStream and UTF8Format is one-to-one, signifying that each instance of DataOutputStream is paired with a single UTF-8 format for string data. This one-to-one correspondence ensures consistent and accurate encoding of text data in the UTF-8 format.
  • Similarly, DataInputStream follows the same relationship patterns with both BinaryFormat and UTF8Format when reading data, highlighting the need for matching the format and sequence during data retrieval.

In reading a binary file using DataInputStream, the methods such as readInt(), readDouble(), and similar ones are designed to interpret and retrieve specific types of data based on the format in which they were written. These methods do not search for a particular type of value but rather expect the data to be in a specific format at the current position of the file pointer.

When readInt() is invoked, it reads the next four bytes from the current file pointer position and interprets them as an integer. This interpretation is based on the assumption that the data at this position is indeed an integer, written previously using writeInt(). The method does not scan the file for an integer; instead, it converts the next four bytes into an integer value according to the binary format used by writeInt(). After reading these four bytes, the file pointer moves forward by four bytes.

Similarly, when readDouble() is called immediately after readInt(), it reads the next eight bytes from the current file pointer position. It assumes these eight bytes represent a double value, as they should have been written using writeDouble(). The method converts these bytes into a double value based on the IEEE 754 floating-point standard. The file pointer then advances by eight bytes.

The process continues with each read operation, moving the file pointer forward and interpreting the bytes according to the expected data type. The file pointer's movement is sequential and automatic, with each read operation advancing it just enough to read the type of data requested. This sequential reading relies on the data being written in the same order and format as the read operations expect. If the order or type of read operations does not match the write operations, it will result in incorrect data interpretation or runtime errors.

Therefore, the understanding is that each read method in DataInputStream interprets a fixed number of bytes from the current file pointer position as a specific type of data. This interpretation depends on the data being written in the corresponding format and order. The file pointer's movement is critical in ensuring that each read operation accesses the correct portion of the file.

Choosing the format of writing has to be weighed with the relative merits of reading, writing efficiencies vs readability. When a binary file is created, the program that reads should know the exact logic and type of data that is written to the stream. In this case, it is the filestream.

When working with DataInputStream and DataOutputStream in Java, understanding how data is read from and written to a binary file is crucial. The format in which data is written affects both the efficiency of reading and writing, as well as the ease of understanding the file's contents. In a binary file, the program that reads the data must be aware of the exact sequence and type of data written to the stream.

Writing to a Binary File: When data is written to a file using DataOutputStream, it is stored in a binary format. Each method, such as writeInt(), writeDouble(), and writeUTF(), writes data in a specific format. For example, writeInt() writes an integer as four bytes in a binary representation, while writeDouble() writes a double as eight bytes following the IEEE 754 floating-point standard. The writeUTF() method writes strings in a modified UTF-8 format, which includes the length of the string followed by the UTF-8 encoded characters. The data is written sequentially, with each piece of data placed immediately after the previous one without any separator or marker between different types.

Reading from a Binary File: When reading data from a file using DataInputStream, the methods used must match the sequence and type of data written. The method readInt() reads the next four bytes from the stream and converts them into an integer. The file pointer then moves to the byte immediately following the integer. Similarly, readDouble() reads the next eight bytes and converts them into a double, moving the file pointer to the byte immediately after the double. The readUTF() method first reads the length of the string (written by writeUTF()) and then reads that many bytes to construct the string.

Understanding File Pointer Movement: The key to successfully reading the data back is understanding the movement of the file pointer. As each read method is called, the file pointer moves through the file, reading the bytes for each data type. It's essential that the read operations occur in the same order as the write operations. If the order is mismatched, or if the wrong read method is used, the data read will be incorrect and can lead to errors or unexpected results.

Considerations for Choosing Data Formats: Choosing the format for writing data must balance reading and writing efficiencies with readability and compatibility. Binary formats are efficient for storage and quick access but require precise knowledge of the data's format during reading. Textual formats, on the other hand, are more human-readable but may be less efficient in terms of storage and parsing.

Key Take Aways:

  • When a binary file is created, the logic of reading and writing data must be well-defined and understood. The program reading the file needs to know the exact order and types of data written to ensure correct interpretation. This understanding is crucial for the successful processing of data stored in binary files.
  • The different representations used by writeInt(), writeDouble(), and writeUTF() are chosen for efficiency and suitability for the type of data being stored. Integers and doubles are stored in a compact binary format for efficient storage and retrieval, while strings are stored in a modified UTF-8 format for readability and compatibility with text data.

PrintStream in Java

In Java, PrintStream is a class that provides convenience methods for printing representations of various data values. It extends the OutputStream class and offers a variety of methods to output data in a human-readable format.

Understanding PrintStream

PrintStream is commonly used for printing data to the console or writing it to a file in a readable format. Unlike DataOutputStream, which is designed for writing data in a binary format, PrintStream focuses on representing data as text.

  • Key Features:
    • Convenience Methods: PrintStream includes methods like print(), println(), and printf() for various types of data including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, strings, and even objects.
    • Automatic Flushing: It can be set to automatically flush the output buffer after each println() call, ensuring that data is written out immediately.
    • Error Handling: Unlike other output streams, PrintStream does not throw IOException. Instead, it sets an internal flag that can be checked using the checkError() method.

Comparison with Other Output Streams

Compared to DataOutputStream and BufferedOutputStream, PrintStream is less about efficiency in data storage and more about readability and convenience. While DataOutputStream writes data in a binary format and BufferedOutputStream improves efficiency with buffering, PrintStream focuses on presenting data in a format that is easy to read and understand.

When to Use PrintStream:

  • Console Output: Ideal for writing output to the console, especially for debugging purposes.
  • Human-readable File Output: Useful when writing data to a file that needs to be easily readable by humans or other non-binary parsers.
  • Formatted Output: When the output requires specific formatting, such as aligning numbers or strings, PrintStream's printf() method is particularly helpful.

Sequence Diagram for PrintStream Operations

Below is a sequence diagram illustrating the flow of operations when using PrintStream:

  1. Application calls println() or printf() on PrintStream.
  2. PrintStream formats the data into a human-readable string.
  3. The formatted data is written to the underlying OutputStream (e.g., FileOutputStream or System.out).
  4. If auto-flush is enabled, PrintStream flushes the buffer after each println() call.

Example of PrintStream

Program 4: PrintStream CheckError Demonstration

Problem Statement

Create a program PrintStreamCheckErrorExample that demonstrates error checking in PrintStream in Java. The program should:

  • Create and initialise a few variables of different types.
  • Use PrintStream to print different data types to a file using convenience methods.
  • Check for any errors during PrintStream operations using the checkError() method.
  • Read and display the contents of the file.


Java Program


public class PrintStreamCheckErrorExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Variables for demonstration
        String name = "Alice";
        int age = 30;
        double salary = 50000.75;

        // Create a file for output
        String filename = "output.txt";
        try (PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {
            // Print different data types

            // Check for errors
            if (printStream.checkError()) {
                System.out.println("Error occurred during printing.");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("File not found: " + e.getMessage());

        // Read and display the content of the file
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error reading file: " + e.getMessage());


The PrintStreamCheckErrorExample program demonstrates the use of PrintStream in Java for writing different data types to a file. The program uses convenience methods like println() for writing text, integers, and floating-point numbers. After the writing operations, the program uses the checkError() method to check if any errors have occurred during the output operations. This method is useful for ensuring the integrity of the output and handling any issues that may arise during the writing process.

After checking for errors, the program reads and displays the contents of the file, illustrating how the data was stored. This example demonstrates the error-checking capabilities of PrintStream along with its ease of use for various data types.

PrintStream Convenience Methods

Method Description Example Output
print() Prints data without a newline character. printStream.print("Hello");
println() Prints data followed by a newline character. printStream.println("World");
printf() or format() Prints formatted data using format specifiers. printStream.printf("Age: %d", 25);
Age: 25
print(char[]) Prints an array of characters. char[] chars = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; printStream.print(chars);
print(boolean) Prints a boolean value. printStream.print(true);
print(int) Prints an integer value. printStream.print(123);
print(long) Prints a long integer value. printStream.print(123L);
print(float) Prints a floating-point value. printStream.print(123.45f);
print(double) Prints a double-precision floating-point value. printStream.print(123.45);
print(Object) Prints an object by calling its toString() method. printStream.print(new Date());
Date.toString() output

Escape Sequences in Java

Escape sequences in Java are special character combinations that perform specific functions when used within a string. They start with a backslash (\) and are followed by a character that together represents a new character or action. Escape sequences are used for inserting non-printable characters, such as newlines or tabs, into strings or for representing characters that would otherwise be difficult to include, such as quotation marks within a string.

In addition to the standard escape sequences, Java allows the use of character equivalents to represent certain characters in strings. These character equivalents are specified using Unicode or ASCII values. For example, instead of using the escape sequence \n for a newline, you can use the character equivalent char(10), where 10 is the ASCII value for a newline. Similarly, a tab character can be represented as char(9), with 9 being its ASCII value. This approach provides an alternative way to include special characters in strings, especially useful when working with characters whose escape sequences might not be as well-known or when needing to represent a character based on its numeric value in the ASCII or Unicode table. This flexibility in character representation allows for more control and precision in handling string data in Java.

Note on CRLF, CR, and LF: Different operating systems use different characters for line endings. Windows typically uses a carriage return followed by a line feed (CRLF - \r\n), Unix/Linux uses just a line feed (LF - \n), and older Mac systems use a carriage return (CR - \r). ASCII equivalents can also be used to represent these characters.

Escape Sequences in Java

The following table gives the Escape Sequences. The first row gives the sequence and the second line in the first column gives the character equivalent to represent certain characters specified in the description.

Escape Sequence ASCII Equivalent Description Usage Example Output
Newline Inserts a new line in the text at the point of the sequence.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)10 + "World");
Tab Inserts a horizontal tab in the text at the point of the sequence.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)9 + "World");
Hello	World
Backspace Moves the cursor one position back.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)8 + "World");
Carriage Return Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line without advancing to the next line.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)13 + "World");
Backslash Inserts a backslash character in the text.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)92 + "World");
Single Quote Inserts a single quote character in the text.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)39 + "World");
Double Quote Inserts a double quote character in the text.
System.out.print("Hello" + (char)34 + "World");

You can use the escape sequence or the character equivalent. Observe the equivalent version where the character equivalent of the symbol or non-printing character is given. The (char) is typecasting, a concept that we saw a little earlier. Try the above Escape Sequences by replacing line 5 with the escape sequence you wish to try in the code below.


public class EscapeSequencesTest{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Format Specifiers in Java's PrintStream

Format specifiers are used in string formatting methods like printf() and format() to dictate how values should be formatted and displayed. Each specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and ends with a conversion character. Between these, modifiers for width, precision, and flags can be included. Here are some common format specifiers:

Specifier Description Example Output
%d Decimal integer printf("Value: %d", 42);
Value: 42
%f Floating-point number printf("Value: %f", 3.14);
Value: 3.140000
%s String printf("Hello, %s", "World");
Hello, World
%x or %X Hexadecimal integer printf("Hex: %x", 255);
Hex: ff
%c Character printf("Character: %c", 'A');
Character: A
%e or %E Scientific notation printf("Scientific: %e", 12345.6789);
Scientific: 1.234568e+04
%g or %G General floating-point printf("General: %g", 123.45);
General: 123.45
%b Boolean printf("Boolean: %b", true);
Boolean: true
%% Literal percent sign printf("Percent: %%");
Percent: %
%n Newline printf("Line1%nLine2");

Understanding Format Specifiers in Java's PrintStream

When using format specifiers with printf() or format() methods in Java's PrintStream, it's important to understand their requirements and correct usage. Format specifiers dictate how values should be formatted and displayed in the output. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Start with a Percent Sign: Every format specifier begins with a percent sign (%) followed by optional flags, width, precision, and conversion characters.
  • Match the Data Type: Ensure the format specifier matches the data type of the variable being formatted. For instance, use %d for integers, %f for floating-point numbers, and %s for strings.
  • Flags for Formatting: Flags can be used to adjust the output format, such as left-justifying (-), adding a plus sign for positive numbers (+), or zero-padding (0).
  • Width Specification: You can specify a minimum width for the output. If the data is shorter than the specified width, it will be padded according to the flags.
  • Precision for Floating-Point: For floating-point numbers, precision determines the number of digits after the decimal point. It's specified with a dot (.) followed by a number.
  • Conversion Characters: The conversion character at the end of the specifier indicates the type of data being formatted (e.g., d for decimal, f for floating-point).
  • Escaping Percent Signs: To print a literal percent sign, use double percent signs (%%).
  • Handling Newlines: Use %n for a platform-independent newline character.

Understanding these requirements ensures that your format strings are correctly constructed and the output is formatted as intended. It's a powerful feature of Java's PrintStream that allows for creating structured and readable text outputs.

Caution: It's important to remember that format specifiers in printf() or format() methods are used for display purposes only. The actual precision and value of the variables remain unchanged internally. If subsequent calculations require a specific precision or rounding, the programmer must explicitly perform these adjustments in the code. The formatted output does not alter the underlying data stored in the variables.

Key Takeaways

PrintStream is a versatile and user-friendly class in Java's I/O package, ideal for situations where data needs to be presented in a readable format. Its ease of use, combined with powerful formatting capabilities, makes it a valuable tool for both console output and file writing.

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Serialization and Deserialization

Imagine you have a favorite toy, like a LEGO set or a doll, and you want to send it to a friend who lives far away. You can't send it as it is because it might get lost or damaged. So, what do you do? You carefully take it apart (serialize it) and put it in a box (a file). When your friend receives it, they open the box and put it back together (deserialize it) to play with it. In the world of programming, serialization and deserialization work somewhat similarly.


Serialization is like packing your toy. In programming, you have objects (like toys) that you want to store or send over the internet. These objects have different parts, like variables and states, just as your toy might have different pieces. Serialization is the process of converting these objects into a format (like a stream of bytes) that can be easily stored in a file or sent over a network. This way, you can save your object's current state and send it somewhere else.


Deserialization is like unpacking and reassembling your toy. When the object reaches its destination (like your friend's computer), it needs to be converted back to its original form so it can be used. Deserialization is the process of taking the serialized (packed) data and rebuilding the object from it. This allows the object to be used just as it was before it was serialized.

Why Are Serialization and Deserialization Important?

  • Saving and Loading: You can save your game's progress (an object) and load it later, just like saving your toy's setup to play with it again later.
  • Sending Data: You can send data from one computer to another, like sending a message in a chat app. The message (object) is serialized, sent over the internet, and deserialized by the receiver.
  • Structural Analysis Data: Engineers can serialize complex structural analysis data, such as load calculations and material properties, to share with other team members or store for future reference. This ensures accuracy and consistency in the data used across various stages of a project.
  • Blueprints and Design Models: Detailed architectural blueprints and 3D design models can be serialized for secure transmission to clients or contractors. Once received, the data can be deserialized and viewed using specialized software, ensuring that all parties have access to up-to-date design information.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data: GIS data used in urban planning and infrastructure development can be serialized for efficient storage and transmission. This data, when deserialized, can be used for mapping, analysis, and decision-making in large-scale civil projects.

Flowchart of Serialization and Deserialization

[Placeholder for Flowchart Image]

Serialization and Deserialization Process

[Placeholder for Serialization and Deserialization Process Description]

Program 4: Object Serialization and Deserialization

Problem Statement

Create a program ObjectSerializationExample that demonstrates Java's object serialisation and deserialisation. The program should:

  1. Create an instance of a simple Person class with name and age attributes.
  2. Serialize (write) the Person object to a file.
  3. Deserialize (read) the Person object from the file.
  4. Display the deserialised object's attributes.


Placeholder for Flowchart Image

  • Serialization:
    • Create a Person object.
    • Open ObjectOutputStream on a file.
    • Write the Person object to the stream.
    • Close the stream.
  • Deserialization:
    • Open ObjectInputStream on the same file.
    • Read the Person object.
    • Close the stream.
    • Display the object's attributes.

Java Program


class Person implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public String toString() {
        return "Person{name='" + name + "', age=" + age + "}";

public class ObjectSerializationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        String filename = "person.ser";
        Person person = new Person("Alice", 30);

        // Serializing the object
        try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {

        // Deserializing the object
        Person deserializedPerson;
        try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))) {
            deserializedPerson = (Person) ois.readObject();

        System.out.println("Deserialized Person: " + deserializedPerson);

This program demonstrates the concept of serialization and deserialization in Java. It shows how a Person object is serialized into a file and then deserialized back into an object. The serialized file serves as the 'box' in which the object's current state is packed, and later, this state is unpacked or deserialized to reconstruct the original object. This practical example helps in understanding how Java can be used to save and transfer complex data structures. It illustrates how complex objects can be serialised and deserialised, preserving their state across I/O operations.

The details of how serialization and deserialization work in Java involve concepts like the Serializable interface. We will be studying the concepts of interfaces and their implementations in future lessons. For now, it's important to understand the basic idea of converting objects to a storable format and then reconstructing them.

These two programs demonstrate the practical use of Data Streams for handling primitive data types and strings, and Object Serialization for handling complex objects in Java. The first program showcases reading and writing data in a machine-independent way, while the second program illustrates how complex objects can be serialised and deserialised, preserving their state across I/O operations.

Points to Remember

  • Data Streams: DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are used for reading and writing primitive data types and strings.
  • Type-Specific Methods: These streams offer methods like readInt(), writeDouble(), and writeUTF() for specific data types.
  • Order Matters: The order in which data is written and read is crucial. Data must be read in the same sequence it was written.
  • Stream Closing: Always close streams to free system resources and avoid potential memory leaks.
  • Exception Handling: Use try-catch blocks to handle IOException and ensure streams are closed properly.
  • File Handling: Data streams are often used with file streams (FileInputStream, FileOutputStream) to read from and write to files.
  • String Handling: writeUTF() and readUTF() are used for writing and reading strings in UTF-8 encoding.
  • Efficiency: While handling large amounts of data, consider using buffering streams (BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream) for improved efficiency.
  • End-of-File: Be cautious of end-of-file (EOF) when reading data. DataInputStream throws EOFException when no more data is available.
  • Binary Format: Data streams work with binary formats, making them suitable for binary file operations.

10 Important Takeaways

  1. Data Type Specificity: Understand and use the specific methods for each data type in data streams.
  2. Sequential Access: Maintain the order of data as it's crucial in data stream operations.
  3. Stream Management: Properly manage opening, closing, and handling exceptions for streams.
  4. UTF-8 Strings: Use writeUTF() and readUTF() for handling strings in data streams.
  5. Handling EOF: Be prepared to handle EOFException when reading data.
  6. File Integration: Integrate data streams with file streams for file operations.
  7. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for reliable applications.
  8. Buffering for Performance: Use buffering to enhance performance in I/O operations.
  9. Binary Data Handling: Understand that data streams are suitable for binary data manipulation.
  10. Resource Management: Ensure resources like streams are managed effectively to prevent leaks.

Exercise Problems

Note: In attempting the problems, make it a habit to use the conventions ClassNames and variableNames as given in the question.

Program 1: File Content Reverser

Problem: Create a class FileContentReverser that reads a file's contents and writes those contents in reverse order to another file.

Input: A source file with any text content.


  1. Read the entire content of the file into a single string.
  2. Reverse the string.
  3. Write the reversed content into a new file.

Output: A new file with the content reversed from the source file.

Program 2: Byte Counter in File

Problem: Develop a class ByteCounter that counts the number of bytes in a file and prints the count. This program introduces the concept of byte streams.

Input: A file with any content.


  1. Read the file using a FileInputStream.
  2. Count the number of bytes as you read.
  3. Close the stream.

Output Format: "The file contains [count] bytes."

Program 3: Copy File to New Location

Problem: Implement a class FileCopier that copies a file from one location to another. This will help understand file input and output streams.

Input: Source file path and destination file path.


  1. Open the source file for reading.
  2. Open the destination file for writing.
  3. Copy contents byte by byte.
  4. Close both streams.

Output: A new file at the destination path, identical to the source file.

Program 4: Data Stream Usage

Problem: Create a class DataStreamUsage that demonstrates the use of DataInputStream and DataOutputStream to read and write primitive data types.

Input: A series of primitive data types (e.g., int, float, boolean).


  1. Write the data types to a file using DataOutputStream.
  2. Read the data back from the file using DataInputStream.

Output: Display the data read from the file.

Program 5: Print Stream Demo

Problem: Develop a class PrintStreamDemo to demonstrate the use of PrintStream for writing formatted text to a file.

Input: Text and formatting instructions.


  1. Write formatted text to a file using PrintStream.

Output: A file with the formatted text.

Program 6: Buffered Reader Writer

Problem: Implement a class BufferedReaderWriter that reads a text file line by line using BufferedReader and writes it to another file using BufferedWriter.

Input: Source file path and destination file path.


  1. Read the source file line by line using BufferedReader.
  2. Write each line to the destination file using BufferedWriter.

Output: A new file at the destination path with the same content as the source file.

Program 7: Character Counter

Problem: Create a class CharacterCounter that counts the number of a specific character in a text file.

Input: A text file and a character to count.


  1. Read the file and count occurrences of the specified character.

Output Format: "The character [char] appears [count] times in the file."

Program 8: Line Reverser

Problem: Write a class LineReverser that reads a text file and reverses the order of lines.

Input: A text file.


  1. Read the file and store the lines in reverse order.
  2. Write the reversed lines to a new file.

Output: A new file with lines in reverse order.

Program 9: File Encryptor

Problem: Develop a class FileEncryptor that encrypts the contents of a text file using a simple encryption algorithm (e.g., Caesar cipher).

Input: Source file path, destination file path, and encryption key.


  1. Read the source file and encrypt its contents.
  2. Write the encrypted text to the destination file.

Output: An encrypted file at the destination path.

Program 10: File Difference Checker

Problem: Create a class FileDifferenceChecker to compare two text files and identify differences.

Input: Two text file paths.


  1. Read both files and compare their contents line by line.
  2. Identify and display the differences.

Output: Differences between the two files.