Dictionary Comprehension

Understanding Dictionary Comprehension in Python

Dictionary comprehension in Python allows you to create dictionaries in a concise, readable way. Like list and set comprehensions, dictionary comprehension helps you write code more efficiently by reducing the number of lines needed to build a dictionary from iterables. This feature is particularly useful when you need to create mappings between key-value pairs quickly, such as associating location coordinates with specific data, mapping force readings with safety factors, or processing environmental quality indexes.

Features of Dictionary Comprehension

  • Compact Syntax: Dictionary comprehensions provide a compact way to construct dictionaries without using multiple lines of code, making your scripts cleaner and easier to understand.
  • Efficient Mapping: Allows you to create mappings between keys and values efficiently, reducing the need for loops and manual dictionary updates.
  • Customised Key-Value Pairs: You can use expressions and conditions to create customised key-value pairs based on an iterable.

Flowchart: Using Dictionary Comprehension in Python

Below is a flowchart that illustrates the basic workflow of creating a dictionary using dictionary comprehension in Python:

flowchart TD
    A(["Start"]) --> B["Define Iterable"]
    B --> C["Apply Condition (Optional)"]
    C --> D["Create Key-Value Pair and Add to Dictionary"]
    D --> E(["End"])

Syntax of Dictionary Comprehension

The syntax for dictionary comprehension is similar to list and set comprehension, with the key difference being the specification of key-value pairs. Here is the general syntax:

{key_expression: value_expression for item in iterable if condition}


  • Key Expression: The expression that defines the key of each item in the dictionary.
  • Value Expression: The expression that defines the value associated with the key.
  • Item: The variable representing each element in the iterable.
  • Iterable: The collection being looped through.
  • Condition: (Optional) A filtering condition to decide which elements to include.

Examples of Dictionary Comprehension

Let's explore some examples of dictionary comprehension to understand how it works:

Example 1: Mapping Force Values to Safety Factors

# Given list of force values and safety factors
forces = [500, 600, 750, 800, 900]
factors = [2.0, 1.8, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4]

# Create a dictionary mapping force values to corresponding safety factors
force_factor_mapping = {force: factor for force, factor in zip(forces, factors)}
print("Force to Safety Factor Mapping:", force_factor_mapping)


Trivia: Dictionary comprehension allows you to map values easily, like associating force readings with safety factors, without having to manually add each key-value pair.

Example 2: Filtered Dictionary of Air Quality Indexes

# Given dictionary of city air quality indexes (AQI)
aqi_data = {
    'New York': 75,
    'Los Angeles': 120,
    'Chicago': 90,
    'Houston': 50,
    'Phoenix': 110

# Create a new dictionary with only cities having AQI below 100
safe_aqi_cities = {city: aqi for city, aqi in aqi_data.items() if aqi < 100}
print("Cities with Safe AQI Levels (below 100):", safe_aqi_cities)

Example 3: Elevation Mapping for Survey Points

# Given list of survey points with coordinates and elevation values
coordinates = [(12.9716, 77.5946), (28.7041, 77.1025), (19.0760, 72.8777)]
elevations = [300, 150, 200]

# Create a dictionary mapping coordinates to their respective elevations
elevation_mapping = {coord: elevation for coord, elevation in zip(coordinates, elevations)}
print("Coordinates to Elevation Mapping:", elevation_mapping)

Case Study: Using Dictionary Comprehension for Civil Engineering Applications

In civil engineering, mapping data is a frequent task, such as:

  • Force and Safety Analysis: Mapping force values to safety factors to quickly identify which loads need further checks.
  • Environmental Data Analysis: Filtering air quality data to focus on regions with acceptable pollution levels for compliance reporting.
  • Survey Data Collection: Creating coordinate-elevation mappings for surveying applications, aiding in geographic information systems (GIS).

Comparing Dictionary Comprehension with Traditional Loops

Let's compare the efficiency of using dictionary comprehension versus traditional loops when working with a large dataset:

import time

# Generate a large dataset of coordinate points and elevations
coordinates = [(i, i + 1) for i in range(10000)]
elevations = [i * 10 for i in range(10000)]

# Measure time taken with dictionary comprehension
start_time = time.time()
coord_elevation_dict_comp = {coord: elev for coord, elev in zip(coordinates, elevations)}
dict_comprehension_time = time.time() - start_time

# Measure time taken with a traditional loop
start_time = time.time()
coord_elevation_loop = {}
for coord, elev in zip(coordinates, elevations):
    coord_elevation_loop[coord] = elev
loop_time = time.time() - start_time

print("Time taken with dictionary comprehension:", dict_comprehension_time)
print("Time taken with traditional loop:", loop_time)


Note: The system used to perform the test should ideally have a consistent load to get comparable results, as external factors like running processes can affect performance.

Pros and Cons of Dictionary Comprehension

  • Pros:
    • Efficiently creates mappings between keys and values with fewer lines of code.
    • More readable and concise compared to using traditional loops.
    • Allows filtering and customization of keys and values in a single line of code.
  • Cons:
    • Can become complex and harder to read if the comprehension includes multiple conditions or calculations.
    • Less flexible for very complex logic compared to traditional loops with multiple operations.

Best Use Cases for Dictionary Comprehension

  • Data Mapping: Creating mappings between data points such as force values and safety factors, or coordinates and elevations.
  • Filtering Data: Creating a new dictionary with specific key-value pairs based on conditions, such as filtering cities based on air quality levels.
  • Data Transformation: Applying transformations to values or keys, such as converting units in environmental data.

Exercise Programs Using Dictionary Comprehension

Exercise 1: Create a Dictionary of Safe Force Values

Problem: Write a Python program to create a dictionary that maps force values to safety factors, and filter out forces below a certain safety factor using dictionary comprehension.

Exercise 2: Filter Survey Elevation Data by Height

Problem: Write a Python program to create a dictionary mapping coordinates to elevation and filter out locations below a certain elevation.

Solutions to the Exercises

Solution 1: Create a Dictionary of Safe Force Values

# Solution 1: Create a Dictionary of Safe Force Values
forces = [500, 600, 750, 800, 900]
factors = [2.0, 1.8, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4]
safe_force_mapping = {force: factor for force, factor in zip(forces, factors) if factor > 1.5}
print("Safe Force to Factor Mapping:", safe_force_mapping)

Solution 2: Filter Survey Elevation Data by Height

# Solution 2: Filter Survey Elevation Data by Height
coordinates = [(12.9716, 77.5946), (28.7041, 77.1025), (19.0760, 72.8777)]
elevations = [300, 150, 200]
elevation_mapping = {coord: elev for coord, elev in zip(coordinates, elevations) if elev > 150}
print("Filtered Elevation Mapping (above 150m):", elevation_mapping)

Key Takeaway

Dictionary comprehensions are a powerful tool for creating efficient key-value pair mappings in Python. They are especially useful in data-driven fields like civil engineering for mapping survey data, analysing forces and safety factors, and filtering environmental quality indexes. By understanding how to use dictionary comprehensions effectively, you can write more efficient, concise, and readable code for complex data analysis tasks.