Programming Exercises 002 - Break and Continue

Python Programming Exercises on break and continue

Below are 20 Python programming exercises that help you understand the use of break and continue statements effectively. These exercises will also show how to use them both within and outside loops for control flow. Each exercise includes a hint to help you. Try to solve them on your own before looking at the solutions. Save your work in the specified files.

Exercise 1: Stop Printing at a Specific Value


Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10, but stop the loop if the number 7 is reached.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 2: Skip Even Numbers


Write a program to print all odd numbers between 1 and 20.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip even numbers.

Exercise 3: Find a Character in a String


Write a program to search for the character 'e' in the string "Hello, Python!" and stop the loop when it is found.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 4: Skip Negative Numbers


Write a program to iterate over a list of integers and print only the positive values.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip negative numbers.

Exercise 5: Find Prime Numbers with Early Exit


Write a program to print prime numbers from 2 to 50. Stop the loop if a non-prime number greater than 30 is found.

Hint: Use a nested loop and a break statement to exit when needed.

Exercise 6: Print Until Sum Exceeds Limit


Write a program to add numbers from 1 upwards until the sum exceeds 100, then stop the loop.

Hint: Use a while loop and a break statement to exit when the condition is met.

Exercise 7: Skip Specific Values


Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10, but skip numbers 3 and 6.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement.

Exercise 8: Find First Divisible Number


Write a program to find and print the first number between 1 and 50 that is divisible by 9.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 9: Loop Until Specific Input


Write a program to repeatedly ask for user input until the user types "quit".

Hint: Use a while loop and a break statement when the input is "quit".

Exercise 10: Skip Lowercase Letters


Write a program to iterate through a string and print only the uppercase letters.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip lowercase letters.

Exercise 11: Stop on a Specific Value in a List


Write a program to iterate through a list of numbers and stop when you find the number 15.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 12: Skip Empty Strings


Write a program to iterate over a list of strings and print only non-empty strings.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip empty strings.

Exercise 13: End Loop on User Condition


Write a program that keeps asking the user for numbers and prints them until the user enters a negative number.

Hint: Use a while loop and break when the input is negative.

Exercise 14: Skip Multiples of 5


Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 20, but skip all numbers that are multiples of 5.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip multiples of 5.

Exercise 15: Exit Loop on Specific Character


Write a program to iterate through the string "PythonProgramming" and stop when the character 'g' is found.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 16: Count Only Non-Vowels


Write a program to count and print the number of non-vowel characters in a given string.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip vowels.

Exercise 17: Break on Special Character


Write a program that iterates over a string and stops when a special character (like '@', '!', etc.) is found.

Hint: Use a for loop and a break statement.

Exercise 18: Skip Zero in a List


Write a program to iterate through a list of numbers and print all values except 0.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement to skip zero.

Exercise 19: Exit on User Input


Write a program that asks for user input continuously until the user types "exit".

Hint: Use a while loop and a break statement when the input is "exit".

Exercise 20: Skip Characters in Range


Write a program to print each character in a string, but skip characters from index 3 to 5.

Hint: Use a for loop and a continue statement with a conditional statement for the index.

Key Takeaways

These exercises will help you understand how to effectively use break and continue to control the flow of loops in Python. Practice each example, and understand how these control statements change the behavior of loops to gain mastery over conditional logic in your programs.

Solutions are available on the GITHUB page. [https://githu...]